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3.19 "Weevils Wobble But They Don't Go Down"

Aired May 22, 2007


Hearst cafeteria Veronica gripes to Mac about Piz moping over their impending summer apart while waiting in a long line, eating half-melted frozen yogurt. Veronica says Piz wishes she was staying in Neptune. The girl at the front of the line, Abigail Montgomery, is having some trouble with her card, and the cashier has campus police deal with her.

Hearst Human Resources office: Stuffy HR guy, Russell Marchant, flips through some paperwork while Weevil, looking pained, asks to sit down because his knee hurts. They discuss Weevil's claim for workman's compensation, but Russell obviously doesn't believe Weevil really hurt himself moving a washing machine. Russell also points out Weevil's stint in jail and says the claim will be reviewed and decided upon in about a month, to which Weevil does not reply entirely graciously.

Piz's room Veronica is studying on Wallace's bed, and Piz is studying on his. Veronica calls Piz's cell and pretends to be missing him from Virginia. On the phone, she says she loves the internship but wishes she could be with him. She hangs up and joins him on his bed, finally suggesting they get naked.

Sheriff's office: Keith talks to a campus security cop about Hearst IDs, which can be used like a debit card around campus. Apparently, some students have been using fake IDs, and thus, fake money — which makes them criminals guilty of fraud and whoever made the IDs guilty of conspiracy to commit fraud. Keith asks if he should arrest the students, but the cop said Hearst dealt with them by giving them probation and having their parents pay for fraudulent purchases. He hands over a file of the man the students claim sold them the IDs.

Sheriff's department: Abigail identifies someone in a lineup. She leaves and another student enters, also identifying the same person in the lineup. In the lineup, everyone is released except for Weevil.

Opening Credits

Interrogation room: Keith interviews Weevil, expressing regret that he has to. Weevil insists he's innocent, and Keith points out that because two dean's list students fingered him for the crime plus his felony conviction, things aren't looking good. Weevil asks for Veronica's phone number when he makes his phone call.

Mars Investigations: Veronica walks into Keith's office to check messages, and there's one from Weevil requesting a bail bondsman, a private investigator, and that she get a new answering machine.

Sheriff's department: Veronica visits Weevil in his cell. He limps to the bars, and she points out that he's wobbling. He says he's going to take the fall for selling fraudulent IDs unless she helps him. Veronica asks how anyone would know he was an ex con, and he reminds her of the speech she had him give to her criminology class.

Hearst Bursar's office: Veronica questions Karin Mackay about how Hearst IDs work. Karin explains they're like debit cards, and students can use them at vendors across campus. She tells Veronica she has the only machine that can program cards, and they have to send it back to the company that makes them in Marietta, GA, if there's a problem. The HR guy, Russell, shows up to retrieve his paycheck, and when he overhears them discussing Weevil's case, he jumps in to tell Veronica Weevil filed for workman's compensation. Veronica asks how they found out students were using fake IDs, and Karin tells her a food court employee figured it out.

Hearst cafeteria: Veronica questions Jalisa Jones, the food court employee who caught the fraudulent IDs. Jalisa shows her the list of names she kept track of — they're all famous names. Veronica asks Jones to call her should any of the others show up, but Jalisa says since 'Sylvia Plath' and 'Honus Wagner' were busted, no one else has tried to use an ID.

Hearst library: Veronica is behind the Help desk when Abigail appears, inquiring about a library fine. Veronica tells her there's no fine, but asks her about the fake ID she bought. Abigail says after she was humiliated in the food court for having insufficient funds on her ID, a guy offered to sell her a thousand-dollar card for a hundred dollars. She says she felt sorry for turning Weevil in, because he probably has kids to feed.

Hearts building: Wallace walks down a corridor, reading a paper. He crumples it and tosses it into the trash. As he's drinking from a water fountain, he sees a guy not-so-surreptitiously nick his trash and read it.

Hearst library: The other student who picked Weevil out the lineup shows up, inquiring about a fine. Veronica tells him to forget the fine and answer some questions for her.

Sheriff's department: Veronica shows up at Weevil's cell and asks about the workman's comp claim. She also asks if he has an alibi for one o'clock, the time both students claimed he met them — he doesn't. Keith enters to free Weevil, telling him campus police found a machine used to make IDs in a locker next to his.

Hearst engineering classroom: Wallace puts the finishing touches on the Sea Monkey, a model plane he's building for class. He tells Veronica he hasn't had time to sleep, leading Veronica to ask about his love life. He tells her about the guy who followed him. As Veronica gives him a fast and dirty lesson on finding out what a stalker/cruiser is up to, Dr. Winkler walks by, and Wallace and Veronica follow him.

Dr. Winkler tells them it'd be easy to copy a Hearst ID — if they worked at the CIA and had a supercomputer. Luckily, Hearst has two supercomputers capable of cracking an encrypted card. Dr. Winkler says that even with the computer, someone would have to write software and run it. He points them to Leon, his grad student.

Mars residence: Piz and Veronica are curled up on the couch, and Veronica is trying to get him to ask her dad for an interview on his radio show. He admits to being nervous because he and Veronica have been naked together. They start to kiss, but jump apart when Keith walks in. Piz invites Keith to debate Vinnie on the show, and Keith agrees. Veronica asks for a new answering machine for Mars Investigations and tells him that she proved Weevil didn't do it. He reveals Weevil's fingerprints are all over the ID machine.

Hearst engineering lab: Veronica interviews Leon. Leon tells her it's possible for someone to program an ID, but it'd be hard. He offers her his recently published paper on cryptography, but it's missing from his file.

KRFF studio: Piz introduces Vinnie and Keith. Keith says he'll continue to enforce the drinking age, but Vinnie says he'll only be stopping by the local campus bars to partake of their ale after he's enforced 'the important' laws, like murder and terrorism. The students in the cafeteria rejoice. Piz takes a call. The first is for Keith, and the caller asks why Keith sucks and what it's like to suck so hard.

Hearst library: Wallace is at a desk, studying, and his mysterious gentleman follower is nearby. Wallace gets up and leaves his things but circles back to watch what the guy does, then looks through his stuff. He finds a file with his picture and schedule, as well as some notes on his activities. As he peruses the file, the guy comes up and tells him he's been tapped for admission to the Castle. He goes on to warn Wallace from telling anyone about his invitation.

Hearst campus: Veronica accidentally admits to Weevil that she doesn't exactly believe he's innocent, but he insists he is. She tells him in order to figure out where the culprit would have gotten Weevil's prints to put on the box, they'd have to remember everything he touched the day before he was busted. He starts to go over his day, and Veronica shows him a picture of the ID machine. Weevil says he hasn't seen the box, so Veronica suggests they physically retrace his steps. She walks away, but he tells her to slow down as he limps along behind her.

KRFF studio: A caller is asking Keith to choose between responding to a kidnapping in progress and a twenty-year-old drinking a beer. Piz tries to direct the conversation away from the topic, but Vinnie suggests Keith answer. Keith answers that he'd respond to the kidnapping. Meanwhile, Veronica and Weevil enter quietly. Piz suggests they talk about law-enforcement experience, and Keith seems anxious to move on. Weevil looks under the desk at a jumble of wires. Vinnie talks about his time in the Military Police, and the decrease in crime across military bases during his service. Keith questions the integrity of Vinnie's claim to helping decrease the crime rate and brings up Vinnie's dishonorable discharge. Vinnie turns nasty and points out Keith was cited six times and Veronica was arrested twice while Don Lamb was sheriff. Veronica pushes Vinnie's face into the microphone. Piz goes to commercial, and both he and Keith laugh.

Hearst HR office: Weevil and Veronica burst in, and Weevil goes over what happened in the office, but he doesn't remember touching anything. Russell gets up and snootily demands Weevil leave the office. When Russell makes to call security, Weevil makes a thinly veiled threat. Russell hangs up, and they leave.

Dorm room: Weevil and Veronica show up, and Weevil tells the occupant, Lauren Goff, that when he was there last fixing the sink, he left a tool behind. She gushes that the sink works well while Weevil checks under the sink. He tells Veronica he had to move stuff out from under the sink the last time, but now, there's nothing under there. The girl's roommate enters, Jenny Budosh, and Veronica recognizes her from the criminology class where Weevil spoke. Weevil starts to ask about the stuff under the sink, but Veronica cuts across him to gush about Jenny's hair. She asks to take a picture so she show her stylist, and the girl agrees. They exit.

Out in the hall, Weevil asks what Veronica just did, and Veronica asks him to go to the library with her.

Hearst library: In the picture Veronica took of the girl, she focused on a picture tacked to a bulletin board showing the girl with several of her friends in Aspen. Also pictured are Abigail Montgomery, aka Sylvia Plath, and Leon, the grad student. Veronica asks Weevil if he just wants to get himself off the hook, or if he wants to take the ski patrol down with him.

Logan's suite: Logan negotiates flights between Denver and Neptune with Parker on the phone. Dick enters, trashed, and goes to his bedroom. As Logan continues his phone conversation, Dick asks about the night Cassidy jumped off the roof, and whether or not Logan tried to stop him. Logan hangs up with Parker. He asks a now-tearful Dick if he's okay. Dick relates the time he duct-taped Cassidy to his bike and forgot him on the street. Logan tells Dick drinking with his dad isn't helping him and suggests they go surfing the following day. Dick agrees, but says he's bringing beer with him just in case sobriety doesn't treat him as well as Logan thinks it will.

Hearst building: Jenny and her roommate, Lauren, walk down the hall, and Lauren spots a flier with Jenny's Aspen photo, inquiring about the identities of the people pictured. She seems eager to help '[email protected]' track down the people in the photo; Jenny looks displeased.

Mac's room: Veronica shaves her legs in Mac's sink. She jokes it's because she wants that special boy to notice her. Mac informs her that all it will take is her naked breasts.

Beach: Veronica, Piz, Wallace, and Mac go to the beach to watch the Sea Monkey's maiden flight. They tease Wallace about the guy that was following him; Wallace insists it was nothing.

Elsewhere, Logan and Dick are walking on the very same beach.

The group watch as Wallace pilots the plane up...then watches at it crashes...right in front of Logan and Dick. Dick invites them to join Logan and him, and Veronica tries to get out of it. Wallace tells them he needs some alone time with the Sea Monkey, so they all go to the fireside to sing "Kumbaya" stare awkwardly at one another. Mac walks away to help Wallace, and Dick chases after her, leaving Logan alone with Piz and Veronica. Dick apologizes to Mac for how he treated her, and she forgives him. When he leans in for a completely inappropriate kiss, she rebuffs him and walks away.

Back at the fire, Piz tries to start a conversation with Logan. He deliberately spins what Piz said, angering Veronica. Wallace plane buzzes overhead, signaling Piz and Veronica's cue to leave.

Hearst library: Veronica identifies 'Niels Bohr,' one of the Aspen kids from Jenny's photo, as Patrick Nickerson. She does an Internet search and finds out Patrick is from Marietta, GA, and his father is the CEO of the company that makes the ID machines. Patrick and Jenny show up, and he tells Veronica he's like her to meet with his friends. The group from the photo is gathered in one of the library's rooms. Veronica makes to call Keith, but Patrick stops her with an offer. She lays the phone down to listen, and he tells her she can have one of the IDs if she doesn't tell. Veronica thinks that's a stupid idea, as they don't even have the machine anymore. Jenny says there's a third machine, and Leon chips in that he's already programmed it. Veronica stands to leave, but Patrick insists she doesn't have anything on them. Veronica plays back the beginning of their conversation on her cell phone, and the ski patrol dies a little on the inside. Veronica suggest they turn themselves in to campus police and drop the charges against Weevil, otherwise, she'll turn them in to the sheriff.

Veronica phones Weevil and tells him to go to the engineering lab to get the third ID box.

Logan's suite: Logan's watching The World Series of Poker, and Dick is watching Logan. Dick says he's not sure he should show Logan what's on his laptop. Dick decides it's too great not to share, so he hands over the laptop. On screen, the scene where Veronica calls Piz and they proceed to get naked plays. Dick adds his own brand of commentary as Logan looks on, horrified and pissed. He asks where thetape came from, and Dick tells him it's being e-mailed around.

KRFF studio: Piz is doing his show when Logan walks into the cafeteria looking angry. He bursts into the studio and proceeds to beat him up.

Mars Investigations: Veronica sits at the reception desk as Keith enters with a new answering machine and news that some kids confessed to the ID fraud. Veronica gets a call from Weevil, and he tells her he didn't find a machine.

Hearst engineering lab: Weevil hangs up with Veronica. He is holding the ID machine.

Mars Investigations: Keith plays the conversation Veronica recorded while she was in the library. He points out that no one confessed on the tape, and Veronica blithely replies it's fortunate they didn't know that. The outer door opens, and Logan calls to Veronica. He is beaten and bloody, and he says he has something to tell her.

Season 1

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Season Overview