Veronica Mars has been cancelled.

Professor David Winkler

"Mr. Fennel. Sixty-seven: D+. That's a real improvement."

David Winkler is the tough Mechanical Engineering professor who failed Wallace on his first two exams, then caught him cheating on the third. After dissing Wallace's standardized test scores, he gives him the option of dropping the class or taking a zero on the third exam and continuing. Wallace chooses to stick it out, and Winkler seems determined to help him pass the course. Or maybe he's a really sadistic guy who wants to see Wallace holed up in the library all semester, missing parties, ignoring his friends, and not playing basketball — and plans to fail him anyway. What a jerk. Maybe...


Winkler's tough love approach seems to have done the trick, for Wallace is still in school, still doing Mechanical Engineering, and able to build even better model airplanes. Winkler's grudging respect was gained at the expense of Wallace's screen time but, hey. At least the kid's getting an education and invites to secret organizations.

-Inigo, topanga
Bio as of 3.19 "Weevils Wobble But They Don't Go Down"
All bios: 3.19 3.06 3.05

Michael B. Silver plays Professor David Winkler.

Neptune Families

Neptune High School

Neptune Town

Hearst College

Neptune Graveyard

Who's Who